+90 (312) 441 90 00  TR   EN 

Press and Public Relations

Press is the most significant medium to bring the success of the organizations held within corporate activities to the forefront. Maintaining relations with the press has become an important field of service. This field also includes public relations and the main input needed in order to serve in this field is educated and experienced staff. Being familiar with the press associations, their internal and operational structures and working closely with the press members, our staff provides a wide array of services including developing PR (Public Relations) strategies for different needs. Atak Travel also provides consultancy on advertising studies and campaigns on national press, internal and external structuring, and strategy formulation and so on.

Press and Public Relations Services

  • Establishing and maintaining relations with written and visual press,
  • Preparing and arranging press releases, press statements and organizing and counseling of meetings,
  • Planning and designing of press receptions and social activities,
  • Creating internal and external public relations strategies and drawing up reports,
  • Preparing and implementing public relations plans and counselling,
  • Feasibility studies, product promotion, creating and arranging campaigns,
  • Creating target groups and databases, research and evaluation, reporting the evaluation results,
  • Statistical evaluations,
  • Advertising works and determining yearly periods,
  • Gathering news relating to the company and sector from the press.
